#1 Discount application
#1 Discount App
Founded in 2018, we connect 350+ brands with over 80,000 consumers by offering them discounts, gifts, rewards and competitions in an innovative manner.
What We Do
Motivate your employees
Looking to retain employees and increase their loyalty to your company? A cloudigo membership will allow your employees to save money every time they dine out, by having access to discounts of up to 50% off at some of the best restaurants in Malta & Gozo. They can also save money at renowned fashion brands with up to 25% OFF!
Promote your business
Have a business you would like to promote? We can market your brand to 80,000+ hungry shoppers in Malta & Gozo by adding your brand on cloudigo. Our unique app offers an easy and flexible business model allowing you to increase footfall and conversions!
Gamify your brand
Do you want to be different and stand out from competitors? We recently launched a competitions section on our app in order to increase engagement and capture the attention of our members. You can now request to book competitions and/or other contests on our platform and take your brand to a whole new level!
What Clients Say About Us
Book a free demo
We’re here to answer any of your questions, or just to say hello.